Arthur Kdav/Keith Davis first learned to sew and repair sails for boats out on the east coast in Marblehead, Massachusetts. In 1966-67, he traveled from the midwest after college to go see the shores of Walden Pond. While he was there he met someone who told him about a wonderful town in Massachusetts that he should go visit. Marblehead. So he went there and found an artist gallery to visit. He went into Ned Fish's gallery. He asked Ned questions about the town and told him about his own artwork and desires to stay in Marblehead. They immediately shared a common love in the arts and a kinship. Ned was going to be out of town the next week with his wife on vacation. He told my dad that if his wife approved he could stay and take care of the gallery while they were out of town. So, he met Ned's wife and she approved of Keith Davis (Arthur Kdav) so he was offered the chance to be there for the week they were away...