REFLECTIONS ON BALANCE IN MY FATHER'S WORK Yesterday I was looking through some of Arthur Kdav's pastels. This one was not titled. I feel like it is "The Juggler". The ultimate circus balancing act performance; how many balls can you keep in the air? Over the past year I have begun to study more closely my father's work. I have started to see themes, repeat images and changes to his style through the decades. I have also started to see how these commonalities relate to his life events. Perhaps, for me, this has been part of the grieving process. The idea and focus on balance can be found in much of his work. Sometimes it is a quiet fulcrum within the painting, pastel, etching or drawing. Other times it is a smack in your face, as above, the whole image is about balance. His theme finds itself abstractly in the images he creates, but also physically in the shape of his iron pieces. These pieces often have one notch ...